+90 544 634 84 14
+90 544 634 84 14
Eskişehir, Türkiye


Sacral stimulation is a medical treatment method used to address specific urinary control disorders such as urinary incontinence, frequent urination, and urinary retention, which are caused by pelvic floor dysfunctions and bladder issues. Here is more information about sacral stimulation:

Application Method: The sacral stimulation procedure is performed using an implant device that sends low-level electrical impulses to the sacral nerve roots to stimulate them. The device consists of a small battery and electrodes. The electrodes are placed under the skin or in the area known as the sacrum, and electrical impulses are delivered to the nerves via stimulators controlled by the battery.

Candidates: Sacral stimulation is typically used in patients with pelvic floor dysfunctions such as frequent urination, urinary incontinence, and urinary retention who have not benefited from other treatment options. It can be particularly effective for conditions like neurogenic bladder, overactive bladder syndrome, and urinary retention.

How It Works: While the exact mechanism of sacral stimulation is not fully understood, it is believed that the electrical impulses sent to the nervous system affect the pelvic floor muscles and bladder functions. These impulses can enhance the ability to control urine flow, thereby improving urinary control.

Side Effects: The sacral stimulation procedure is generally considered safe, but there may be some side effects. These may include skin irritation, infection at the electrode insertion site, pain or discomfort, and nerve or tissue damage during battery or electrode placement.

Effectiveness and Success Rate: The effectiveness of sacral stimulation can vary from patient to patient. However, it can provide significant improvement in urinary control for many patients. Studies have shown that sacral stimulation can significantly reduce symptoms of urinary incontinence and frequent urination.

Not a Permanent Solution: Sacral stimulation typically offers a long-term solution for managing symptoms but does not provide permanent relief. The battery life of the device is limited, and battery replacement may be required. Additionally, in some cases, the device may need to be removed.

Sacral stimulation may be an effective treatment option for suitable candidates struggling with urinary control issues. However, it may not be suitable for every patient. Therefore, it is important to consult with a urologist or a specialist in pelvic floor dysfunctions to determine if sacral stimulation is an option for you.