+90 544 634 84 14
+90 544 634 84 14
Eskişehir, Türkiye


Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a neurosurgical procedure used to treat a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders by delivering electrical stimulation to specific areas of the brain. Here is some information about Deep Brain Stimulation:

  1. Procedure: During the DBS procedure, thin electrodes are surgically implanted into targeted areas of the brain. These electrodes are connected to a pulse generator device, which is typically implanted under the skin near the collarbone. The pulse generator sends electrical impulses to the brain to modulate abnormal neural activity.
  2. Indications: Deep Brain Stimulation is used to treat several neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, dystonia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It may also be investigated as a potential treatment for other conditions such as epilepsy, Tourette syndrome, and chronic pain.
  3. Mechanism of Action: The precise mechanism by which DBS works is not fully understood, but it is believed to modulate dysfunctional neural circuits in the brain. The electrical stimulation disrupts abnormal patterns of neural activity and restores more normal functioning.
  4. Effectiveness: DBS has been shown to be effective in reducing motor symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease, such as tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia. It can also improve quality of life and reduce medication requirements in some patients. Additionally, DBS has demonstrated efficacy in reducing symptoms of other movement disorders and psychiatric conditions.
  5. Adjustment and Monitoring: After the electrodes are implanted, the stimulation parameters can be adjusted by a healthcare professional to optimize symptom control and minimize side effects. Regular follow-up visits are necessary to monitor the patient’s condition and make any necessary adjustments to the stimulation settings.
  6. Side Effects: While DBS is generally considered safe, there are potential risks associated with the procedure, including bleeding, infection, and hardware-related complications. Side effects of stimulation may include speech difficulties, balance problems, mood changes, and cognitive changes, although these are typically reversible or manageable with adjustments to the stimulation settings.
  7. Patient Selection: Not all patients are suitable candidates for DBS, and careful patient selection is crucial. Candidates typically undergo a comprehensive evaluation by a multidisciplinary team to assess their suitability for the procedure based on factors such as diagnosis, symptom severity, medication responsiveness, and overall health.

In summary, Deep Brain Stimulation is a valuable therapeutic option for various neurological and psychiatric disorders, offering symptom relief and improved quality of life for many patients who have not responded adequately to other treatments. However, it is essential to weigh the potential benefits against the risks and to ensure that patients receive thorough preoperative evaluation and ongoing postoperative care.